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First, we carefully prepare the Notice of Termination, based on the your specific works, dates, US registration information, and correct signatories. Most of the time, this Notice is two or three pages, but if your works are extensive, there is no limit to the list of works you can list on the Notice, provided it is being sent to the same company. Often, separate Notices are required, to be sent to two or more companies, depending on where your works are currently.

This Notice is then sent, via certified mail, to the record companies and/or music publishers that currently control your works. Because of the vast consolidation in the music business, the rights to your works may have changed hands several times. We figure that out.

Each work listed on the Schedule A has an “SR” registration number, and is identified by album. However, when an album is not registered it is never assigned an "SR" registration number and we must list all of the individual songs by title. Remember, works do not need to have been registered in the Copyright Office, you can still send a Notice and get your rights back.

Third, we send the Notice along with the “proof of service” and a submission form into the Copyright Office for recordation. This "proof of service" is a sworn declaration that we sent the notice to the record companies and/or music publishers that currently control your works.

This submission form also lists the associated fee. The recordation fees are very reasonable, in relation to the fact that you are getting your rights back. Remember, if you don’t terminate, the record company or music publisher keeps your works for your life plus 70 years! 

Please refer to our "Fees" section, for a detailed explanation of how to calculate these recordation fees.

Finally, once the Copyright Office records the submitted documentation, a copy of the above forms is then returned to the artist(s) and/or writer(s) along with a Certificate of Recordation.

Please note that although our company is operated at a law firm, none of the statements we have made on this website are intended to create an attorney-client relationship, unless and until we agree to provide services to you and you agree to accept those services. This website is intended for informational purposes only.

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